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Cookie Policy

Our site uses cookies, below is information about the installed cookies.

Technical Cookies

Authentication: We use technical cookies for access via JWT - RFC 7519 Standard.

Third-Party Cookies

Vimeo: We use Vimeo cookies to display and manage videos directly on our site. For more information, see the Vimeo Cookie Policy.

Stripe: We use Stripe cookies to process payments securely. For more details, visit the Stripe Cookie Policy.

Google: We use Google cookies to analyze behaviors on our site. For more information, see the Google Cookie Policy.

We do not share your personal data with third parties that are not mentioned here for purposes other than technical maintenance of the site and payment processing.
If you agree to the use of cookies as described, you can continue your navigation by accepting the necessary cookies by clicking "Accept", or "Deny" to leave the site. Privacy Page and Cookie Policy.